Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall posting. Not much to report.

There's not really much to say right now but I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd leave an entry.

Fall has fallen, sort of. school is back in session but I have pretty much finished my course work so all I'm registered for right now is voice lessons. I'm finding now that there are lots of odd loose ends to take care of. Quals, writtens and orals, a recital and a lecture recital, foreign language barrier to pass. It's all stuff I have to register for but it doesn't require that I go to a class on a regular basis so it's hard to get motivated. James suggested I make out a "to do" list in chronological order. What needs to be done first, second, third and so on. I can then check things off as I go along and hopefully this damn degree will be finished sooner than later.

Opera chorus has been going full tilt for a few weeks although those of us who aren't in Giovanni have almost three weeks off which is nice but I'd rather get the pay check. We seem to have a nice cast for Anna Bolena and a wonderful director in Steven Lawless. We're back on the Globe Theater set with the addition of some very tall, louvered walls mounted on wheels so they can be pulled into various configurations by supers. It seems to divide the stage into smaller playing areas and I think will be very effective.

I realized recently that I've barely mentioned my pottery! I have been taking new pics of my pots in anticipation of putting some pieces up on etsy. I haven't done it yet because I'm afraid my works not good enough and will be rejected by the etsy shopping community. This is just a vampire, I realize, but it's looming large for me at the moment. I'm sure I'll pluck up the courage soon and put a few pieces up for sale and see what happens. when I do I will let you all know.

I could write more but it's late and I'm ready for bed. More to come, I promise!

nighty night!

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