Well, the garden looks great! Today we went to North Haven Gardens and bought Garret juice, concentrated vinegar and compost tea. The garret juice keeps the aphids away from the cucumbers, the concentrated vinegar is good for killing weeds and the compost tea is a good fertilizer. We could actually make our own compost tea with our compost which I think we can finally go ahead and do now that we have enough. While we were at North Haven we took a stroll through their display vegetable garden. We were thrilled to see that they are also growing melons, egg plants, peppers, cucumbers, melons, squash and okra.
Everything in the garden seems to be doing great. We decided to pull out the corn because upon inspection we realized that the plants were unevenly pollinated. The corn stopped growing when it was only waist high and the ears never got very big. When we pulled back the husks on several ears we discovered tiny kernels and big kernels unevenly spaced. Pollination has to be airborn where corn is concerned so it's really the luck of the draw. We are probably going to plant more and see what happens. Can't hurt.
The melons, on the other hand, are doing great! We are starting to see little tiny nodules develop under the blossoms that are going to turn into yummy melons here in a few weeks. The new squash is just beginning to appear above the dirt. This time, we're going to try to be careful and keep the squash bore worms away.
Turning to things theatrical, [title of show] is going great!!! We had very good, very demonstrative audiences and the cast did a fantastic job! I think now that The Wedding Singer is over the Ohlook kids will be coming to the show and doing their part to fill seats. I have been trying to get a reviewer out to see the show but it's been tough. Part of the problem has been the fact that a lot of critics have ten million summer shows to review around Dallas right now so it's just a matter of finding time in their schedules. Also, I think critics are hesitant to review our show because it was just done at Theater Three. I guess it seems like old news to them. I want a review to include in our materials when we apply to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It can improve our chances of getting into a good venue which increases our chances of good audiences at the Fringe. I'm still working on it so we'll see.
I guess that's about it. Stay cool! Stay tuned in! Stay inspired!
More to come!
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